Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education (Deemed University)
in collaboration with MOMSOON Academy
Over the last few decades, there has been a steep decline in fertility rates worldwide and the increasing demand for Assisted Reproductive Technology has resulted in mushrooming of Infertility Clinics.
A major concern is that there are too few Infertility Specialists with only about 10% of the specialists performing IVF procedures thus making it imperative for Gynaecologists to join hands together in the objective of enabling infertile couples to seek the right diagnosis and
improving their treatment outcomes.
In response to these concerns, MOMSOON has developed programmes in Infertility & Reproductive Medicine for gynaecologists. These programmes will provide an understanding of the complex issues surrounding infertility treatments and the techniques to perform Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures. In particular, we expect infertility specialists to gain skills in handling difficult cases and possess sufficient knowledge to make a significant
contribution in establishing new ART Clinics / IVF units, which need to incorporate the latest techniques and conform strictly to current legislation.